# app.php

The config/boilerplate/app.php file allows to define the general parameters of the application.

return [
    // Backend routes prefix. Ex: "admin" => "http://..../admin"
    'prefix'     => 'admin',

    // Backend domain if different as current domain. Ex: "admin.mydomain.tld"
    'domain'     => '',

    // Redirect to this route after login
    'redirectTo' => 'boilerplate.dashboard',

    // Activating daily logs and showing log viewer
    'logs'       => true,
    // When set to true, allows admins to view the site as a user of their choice
    'allowImpersonate'  => false,

# prefix

The prefix parameter will define the prefix of the application urls. This allows you to have no conflict if you need to have frontend urls separated.

The default value is "admin" → http://mywebsite.tld/admin

If your application does not have a front-end, you can define an empty string as prefix, this will then display the login form at the root of your website.

See Laravel documentation (opens new window) for route prefixes.

# domain

The domain parameter makes it possible to define a different and exclusive domain for the application.

The default value is ""

If the parameter is empty, all domains will allow access to the backend, otherwise only the specified domain will allow access.

See Laravel documentation (opens new window) for sub-domain routing.

# redirectTo

The redirectTo parameter allows you to define the route to which you will be redirected after connecting.

The default value is "boilerplate.dashboard"

# logs

The logs parameter allows you to define if you want to add daily to the logging stack and enable the log viewer.

Log viewer is only visible by administrators by default.

# allowImpersonate

When allowImpersonate is set to true, admins are allowed to view the site as the user of their choice by using a switch in the navbar.

You can't switch to an admin user