# Broadcasting

In many modern web applications, WebSockets are used to implement realtime, live-updating user interfaces. When some data is updated on the server, a message is typically sent over a WebSocket connection to be handled by the client. WebSockets provide a more efficient alternative to continually polling your application's server for data changes that should be reflected in your UI.

Laravel broadcasting features (opens new window) makes it easy to "broadcast" your server-side events over a WebSocket connection.

This package adds some extra features to make it even easier.

# Configuration

This package will only support the "pusher" driver.

You can create a Pusher account (opens new window) or use Soketi (opens new window) if you don't want to be limited.

Once your application has been created, transfer its parameters to your .env file :


Also in you .env file, set the broadcast driver to pusher :


NB: The broadcast service provider will be loaded automatically when the broadcast driver is set to pusher.