# Change theme

To change the theme, you must define it in the config/theme.php file.

All you have to do is to include the theme file you want to use :

$theme = include __DIR__.'/themes/default.php';

Available themes are default, black, red.

# Create a new theme

You don't have to create a new theme, you can also edit the default theme. But it is recommanded to create a new theme, so you can add modifications without touching the default themes.

To create a new theme, just copy the default.php file in the config folder to a new theme file.

After that, just modify the theme included in config/theme.php by calling your new theme file.

# Application icon (logo) and display name

To change the application icon and the display name, just change the sidebar/brand/logo/icon and sidebar/brand/logo/text in the current theme file.

'sidebar' => [
        'brand'   => [
            'logo' => [
                'bg'     => 'blue',
                'icon'   => '<i class="fa fa-cubes"></i>',
                'text'   => '<strong>BO</strong>ilerplate',
                'shadow' => 2,

You can use Font Awesome (opens new window) icons for you logo.