# Options

Options are defined by using the setUp method, E.g.:

use Sebastienheyd\Boilerplate\Datatables\Datatable;

class ExampleDatatable extends Datatable
    public function setUp()
            ->buttons('filters', 'csv', 'print')
            ->order('created_at', 'desc')

option default description
order() [] Defines which column(s) the order is performed upon, and the ordering direction
buttons() ['filters'] Shows buttons that will trigger some actions like showing filters, exporting to csv, ...
condensed() false If called, the table will be condensed
permissions() ['backend_access'] Sets the permissions to have to show the DataTable.
stateSave false Restores table state on page reload
showCheckboxes false Shows checkbox on each row
lengthMenu() [[10, 25, 50, 100, -1],[10,25,50,100,'∞']] Specifies the entries in the length drop down
pageLength() 10 Number of rows to display on a single page when using pagination
pagingType() simple_numbers Type of buttons shown in the pagination control
setRowId() null Sets id to rows
setRowClass() null Sets class to rows
setRowAttr() null Sets attribute(s) to rows
noPaging() visible Disable paging
noLengthChange() visible Disable length change
noSorting() visible Disable sorting
noOrdering() visible Disable sorting (alias)
noSearching() visible Disable searching
noInfo() visible Disable table informations
locale() [] Set different locale for generic buttons

# order

Single-column ordering as the initial state:

$this->order('id', 'desc')

Multi-column ordering as the initial state:

$this->order(['name' => 'desc', 'created_at' => 'desc'])

# buttons

Shows buttons that will trigger some actions. The arguments order is the order of appearance.

$this->buttons('filters', 'csv', 'refresh')

Built-in buttons : filters, colvis, csv, excel, copy, print, refresh

# condensed

If called, the table will be condensed.


# permissions

Sets the permissions to have to show the DataTable.

$this->permissions('users_crud', 'roles')

# stateSave

Enables state saving:


# showCheckboxes

Shows checkbox on every row:


This will generate a checkbox on every row that can be used to select multiple elements.

To do this, every checkbox will be named dt-checkbox[] and use the id as the key. E.g dt-checkbox[123].

But it's possible to set another field as the key by setting it when calling the method. E.g $this->showCheckboxes('item_id')

You can pass all the selected checkboxes to an ajax call by using the following selector : $('input[name^=dt-checkbox]:checked').serialize()

# lengthMenu

Sets length menu options.


To show options 10, 50, 100 and all records:

$this->lengthMenu([[10, 50, 100, -1] , [10, 50, 100, 'All']])

# pageLength

Shows 50 records per page:


# pagingType

Sets numbers as paging Type


Allowed types are

  • numbers - Page number buttons only
  • simple - 'Previous' and 'Next' buttons only
  • simple_numbers - 'Previous' and 'Next' buttons, plus page numbers
  • full - 'First', 'Previous', 'Next' and 'Last' buttons
  • full_numbers - 'First', 'Previous', 'Next' and 'Last' buttons, plus page numbers
  • first_last_numbers - 'First' and 'Last' buttons, plus page numbers

# setRowId

Sets row id via column name.


Sets row id via closure.

->setRowId(function ($user) {
    return $user->id;

Sets row id via blade string.


# setRowClass

Sets row class via closure.

->setRowClass(function ($user) {
return $user->id % 2 == 0 ? 'alert-success' : 'alert-warning';

# setRowAttr

Sets row attribute(s) via closure.

    'data-id' => function($user) {
        return 'row-' . $user->id;
    'data-name' => function($user) {
        return 'row-' . $user->name;

Sets row attribute(s) via blade string.

    'data-id' => 'row-{{$id}}',
    'data-name' => 'row-{{$name}}',

# noPaging

Disables paging:


# noLengthChange

Disables length change:


# noSorting

Disables sorting:


# noOrdering

Disables sorting (alias):


# noSearching

Disables searching:


# noInfo

Disables table informations:


# locale

Sets different locale to use with generic buttons:

    'deleteConfirm' => 'Delete the article?',
    'deleteSuccess' => 'Article has been successfully deleted',    

Default locale can be found in the datatable.php (opens new window) lang file.