# Button

This class allows you to generate a button.


    ->route('boilerplate.users.edit', $user->id)
method description
add Creates a new button
icon Adds a FontAwesome icon to the button
color Sets the button color
class Sets additional class
route Sets the button link href by using a route
link Sets the button link href
attributes Sets HTML attributes to the button
make Renders the button

# add

Creates a new button.


You can specify a label:


# icon

Adds a FontAwesome icon to the button:

Available icons: https://fontawesome.com/v5.15/icons (opens new window)

You only have to specify the name of the icon:


For other styles than fas, specify last letter of the class:

->icon('calendar', 'r')

# color

Sets the button color.

Available colors: https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/utilities/colors/ (opens new window)

Only bootstrap4 colors are supported.


# class

Sets additional class.

->class('mr-1 text-sm')

# route

Sets the button link href by using a route.

->route('boilerplate.users.edit', $user->id)

Sets the button link href.

->link(route('boilerplate.users.edit', $user->id))

# attributes

Sets HTML attributes.

->attributes(['data-action' => 'delete'])

# make

Renders the button.


# Button aliases

Button::show('route.to.resource.show', $resource);
Button::edit('route.to.resource.edit', $resource);
Button::delete('route.to.resource.destroy', $resource);

Button::delete will show a modal to confirm the deletion. You can set another confirmation message by using the Datatable::locale() method.