# Add items to the menu

Menu items are supported by the lavary/laravel-menu (opens new window) and sebastienheyd/active (opens new window) packages.

To add items to the main menu, boilerplate will use providers.

# Generating a new menu items provider

This package provides an artisan command to quickly generate a menu items provider.

This command will generate the provider file in the app/Menu folder, if the folder does not exists, it will be created.

php artisan boilerplate:menuitem {name} {-s} {-o=100}
option / argument description
name Menu item name
-s --submenu Menu item must have sub item(s) ?
-o --order Menu item order in the backend menu, default is 100

Once generated, the class file can be edited to customize the items, see Menu item provider

You can also add your own providers by adding their classnames to the array of providers in the configuration file config/boilerplate/menu.php. This can be useful if you don't want to use the default directory app/Menu in your application.

# For package developpers

Menu items providers can be added by using the boilerplate.menu.items singleton in your package service provider. Example :

public function register()

Once generated menu items provider are used to build the back-office main menu.

You will find a method make inside where items are added.

To add an item at the root of the menu, you have to call the add method on $menu (instance of Sebastienheyd\Boilerplate\Menu\Builder)

public function make(Builder $menu)
    $menu->add($label, $options);

The label can be a string or a locale string. The locale string will be translated if exists.

Options are :

Name Description
route The menu item link will point on this route, useless on items with sub items.
permission Comma separated list of permissions required to display the menu item.
role Comma separated list of roles required to display the menu item. Admin is setted by default.
active Comma separated list of routes or route wildcard (eg: boilerplate.users.*). When one route is corresponding to the current one, item will be activated
icon Font awesome icon or image URL to use. You can use by default solid icons (fas) by just set the icon name (eg: square). Or you can set the full classes to use (eg: far fa-square). See icons here (opens new window).
order Order in the main menu (default = 100), the dashboard is level 0, users management is level 1000.

To add a sub item to an item :

public function make(Builder $menu)
    $item = $menu->add($label, $options);
    // Adding the sub item to the item above.
    $item->add($label, $options);