# Full customization

Sometimes you need to customize templates, controllers or views for your needs.

For example: you need to add fields to your user to be able to identify him, for that you have to modify the user model, but also the views and the controller that manages the data of the user.

# Scaffold


By using this command, all updates from future versions of boilerplate will be ignored. Use this only if you know what you are doing !

This command will publish in your project the necessary files that will override those of the package and will allow you to modify them as you want.

php artisan boilerplate:scaffold

This command will create these files or directories :

Path from project root Description
routes/boilerplate.php Edit this file to customize url or called controllers
app/Http/Controllers/Boilerplate All controllers used by this package
app/Models/Boilerplate User, Permission, Role and PermissionCategory models. Here you can add data to your user
app/Events/Boilerplate Events linked to User when created or deleted
app/Notifications/Boilerplate Notifications sended to user when created or when requesting a new password
resources/views/vendor/boilerplate Here you can customize all views used by this package
resources/lang/vendor/boilerplate Customize or add new translations
config/boilerplate Configuration files
public/assets/vendor/boilerplate Default public assets (must not be edited)

The command will make a modification in the config file menu.php to replace Sebastienheyd\Boilerplate\Controllers by \App\Http\Controllers\Boilerplate for the dashboard.

The command will also make some modifications in the config files laratrust.php and auth.php to replace Sebastienheyd\Boilerplate\Models by App\Models\Boilerplate.

And finally, if you have existing users in the database, they will be updated to the new user model.

# Rollback

You can restore the configuration and delete the installed files by calling the command with the remove option:

php artisan boilerplate:scaffold -r