# Add items to the top bar

To add items to the main menu, boilerplate will use providers.

# By configuration

You can add additional views that will be included to the top bar by editing the navbar array in config/boilerplate/theme.php. This can be useful to add buttons, notifications, ...

// Additionnal views to append items to the navbar
$theme['navbar'] += [
    'left'  => [],
    'right' => [],

To do that, just add view path using the "dot" notation, ex: admin.topbar.left.

As you can see in the config file, you can set them on the left or on the right. Simply place the declarations in the appropriate array.

If you have data to be bound to a view that will be include to the top bar, you can use Laravel View Composers (opens new window), you can also use @push('js') to add js scripts to get the data via ajax calls.

# For package developpers

Like the configuration file, you can add navbar items programmatically by using the boilerplate.navbar.items singleton :

app('boilerplate.navbar.items')->registerItem('admin.topbar.left', 'left');

// or with an array on the right side
app('boilerplate.navbar.items')->registerItem(['admin.topbar.right', 'admin.topbar.notifications'], 'right');

This can be used everywhere : controllers, middlewares, etc.