# auth.php

The config/boilerplate/auth.php file allows to define the authentication and registration parameters of the application.

return [
    'register'      => false,           // Allow to register new users on backend login page
    'register_role' => 'backend_user',  // Given role to new users (except the first one who is admin)
    'verify_email'  => false,           // Users must have a valid e-mail (a verification email is sent when a user registers)
    'providers'     => [
        'users' => [
            'driver' => 'eloquent',
            'model'  => Sebastienheyd\Boilerplate\Models\User::class,
            'table'  => 'users',
    'throttle' => [
        'maxAttempts' => 3,            // Maximum number of login attempts to allow
        'decayMinutes' => 1,           // Number of minutes to wait before login will be available again

# register

If register is set to true then it is possible for new users to register themselves to access the application.

A link "Register a new user" appears on the login page.

The default value is false.

# register_role

The register_role parameter allows to set the default role when a new user registers (if the "register" parameter above is set to "true").

The default value is backend_user

The first user created will always have the role admin

# verify_email

If verify_email is set to true all new registered users must confirm their e-mail address before accessing the application.

To do this, an e-mail is sent in which each user must click to confirm his address.

The default value is false.

Only the first user (admin) and users invited to join the admin by e-mail will not be asked to confirm their e-mails.

# providers

The providers parameter overwrites config/auth.php to use boilerplate's user model (Sebastienheyd\Boilerplate\Models\User::class) instead of the default Laravel one (App\User::class).

This setting allows you to define your own user class or your own provider if you want to add features.

# throttle

This configuration section allows you to set how many times a user can try to login unsuccessfully, and how many minutes he must wait until he can try again.