# menu.php

The config/boilerplate/menu.php file allows to add menu items and set the dashboard controller to use.

return [
    'dashboard' => \Sebastienheyd\Boilerplate\Controllers\DashboardController::class, // Dashboard controller to use
    'providers' => [],                                                                // Additional menu items providers

# dashboard

Controller to call to show the dashboard. This is the controller which is called after log in.

If you define your own controller, you must have an index() method in it to work (see the route boilerplate.dashboard).

Default value is \Sebastienheyd\Boilerplate\Controllers\DashboardController::class

# providers

An array of menu items providers. This will be useful only if you don't use the artisan command boilerplate:menuitem or if you don't want to use the default providers folder (App/Menu)

Default value is an empty array.