# dashboard.php

The config/boilerplate/dashboard.php file allows to manage the dashboard.

return [
    'edition'    => true,
    'widgets'    => [
        ['users-number' => []],

NB: To maintain retrocompatibility with older versions of Boilerplate, the configuration value that defines the controller for the dashboard is located in the menu.php configuration file.

# edition

Allows editing of the dashboard. By setting the value to true, it is possible to manage the widgets that will constitute the dashboard.

# widgets

Array of widgets that will be displayed by default on the dashboard. For each widget, a sub-array will be declared with the slug as the key, and if necessary, a sub-array containing the parameters, for example:

return [
    'edition' => true,
    'widgets' => [
        ['users-number' => ['color' => 'info']],