# Datetimepicker

<x-boilerplate::datetimepicker name="date" label="Date" />

Will render


# Attributes

Attributes that can be used with this component :

Option Type Default Description
name string null Input name (required)
value mixed null Value of input can be a string (ISO 8601) or a Carbon object
format string "L" Date format for display, see momentjs doc for valid formats (opens new window)
id string autogenerated Id of the input field
label string null Input label, can be a translation string
use-current boolean false On show, will set the picker to the current date/time.
show-clear boolean false If true, will display a clear button
show-close boolean false If true, will display a close button
show-today boolean false If true, will display a button to select the current date
options string Empty string Datepicker options, see tempusdominus options (opens new window)
help string null Help message that will be displayed under the input field
prepend-text string Empty string Text that will be added on the left side of the input, can be a font-awesome icon class
append-text string Empty string Text that will be added on the right side of the input, can be a font-awesome icon class
group-id string null ID that will be added to form-group
group-class string null Additionnal class that will be added to form-group
class string Empty string Additionnal class that will be added to the input field

# Format

Format attribute value will dictate what components are shown, e.g. L will not display the time picker but L HH:mm:ss will do it.

However, the format that will be sent when posting will always be the international format : yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

# Additionnal options

Additionnal options can be defined by setting them with the options attribute.

<x-boilerplate::datetimepicker name="date" options="stepping:5,viewMode:'years'" />

# Value

To define the default date, you can set the value attribute with a string or an instance of Carbon.

<x-boilerplate::datetimepicker name="date" value="2021-09-08" />
<x-boilerplate::datetimepicker name="date" value="2021-09-08 13:40:05" />
<x-boilerplate::datetimepicker name="date" :value="\Illuminate\Support\Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', '2021-09-08')" />
<x-boilerplate::datetimepicker name="date" :value="now()" />