# Input

<x-boilerplate::input name="example" label="Example" />

Will render


# Attributes

Attributes that can be used with this component :

Option Type Default Description
name string null Input name (required)
type string text Type of input, can be text, email, password, file, number, date, textarea and select
label string null Input label, can be a translation string
help string null Help message that will be displayed under the input field
value mixed null Value of input
clearable boolean false For text input only, adds a clear button to reset the input value
options array [] For select, array of options
prepend-text string Empty string Text that will be added on the left side of the input, see "Append / Prepend" below
append-text string Empty string Text that will be added on the right side of the input, see "Append / Prepend" below
group-class string null Additionnal class that will be added to form-group
group-id string null ID that will be added to form-group
input-group-class string null Additionnal class that will be added to input-group

All of the attributes that are not in the list above will be added as attributes to the input field :

<x-boilerplate::input name="example" data-toggle="tooltip" data-title="Tooltip content" />

NB : for non primitive values that not using a simple string you have to use the : character as a prefix :

<x-boilerplate::input type="date" name="date" :value="\Carbon\Carbon::now()" :placeholder="__('stringToTranslate')"/>
<x-boilerplate::input type="select" name="select" :options="[1 => 'Option 1', 2 => 'Option 2']" />

# Append / Prepend

Instead of a simple text, you can use directly a FontAwesome class string, which will be converted into an icon :

<x-boilerplate::input name="test" prepend-text="fas fa-cubes"/>

Or you can use a slot to set more complex add-on :

<x-boilerplate::input name="test">
    <x-slot name="prepend">
        <button class="btn btn-secondary">Button</button>