# Infobox

<x-boilerplate::infobox message="Infobox" number="1234"/>
<x-boilerplate::infobox message="Infobox" number="1234" bg-color="info" color="info" icon="far fa-folder" progress="65" description="65/100 closed items"/>

Will render


# Attributes

Attributes that can be used with this component :

Option Type Default Description
bg-color string white Background color
class string Empty string Extra class to add to the main div
color string Defined in theme configuration Background color for the icon. By default, the color is the default card color setted in the configuration file
icon string "fas fa-cubes" Font Awesome (opens new window) icon to use
text string Empty string Top text
number string Empty string Number or text the will be shown under the message text
progress number 0 Progress bar length in percent
description string Empty string Description text that will be shown under the percent bar

All of the attributes that are not in the list above will be added as attributes to the main div.

NB : for non primitive values that not using a simple string you have to use the : character as a prefix :

<x-boilerplate::infobox :progress="round(0.64654 * 100)" />