# TinyMCE
<x-boilerplate::tinymce name="html" />
Will render

If you have installed the package sebastien/boilerplate-media-manager (opens new window), the media manager will be automatically added to TinyMCE for images and documents.
Add GPT feature
See Generate text with GPT documentation if you want to add the feature to TinyMCE.
# Value
The value can be set by using slot or the value attribute
<x-boilerplate::tinymce name="example">
<h2>TinyMCE demo</h2><p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</p>
<x-boilerplate::tinymce name="example" value="<h2>TinyMCE demo</h2><p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</p>" />
# Attributes
Attributes that can be used with this component :
Option | Type | Default | Description |
name | string | null | Input name (required) |
label | string | name | Input label, can be a translation string |
help | string | null | Help message that will be displayed under the input field |
sticky | boolean | false | True if toolbar must stick to the top of the page |
value | mixed | null | Value of input |
group-class | string | null | Additionnal class that will be added to form-group |
group-id | string | null | ID that will be added to form-group |
min-height | integer | null | Minimum editor height |
max-height | integer | null | Maximum editor height |
For all non primitive values that not using a simple string you have to use the :
character as a prefix :
<x-boilerplate::tinymce id="example" name="example" :value="$content" />